
(OTP#127) The End of a Chapter

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The Episode: The End of a Chapter

We have learned so much over the last year, doing this show twice a week, and today we are announcing how we are shifting things moving forward. We also believe there is a lot of value here for students, in our decision to evolve and change things up, as businesses are always in motion and one of the biggest strengths you can have as a business owner is the ability to adapt and grow with these changes. Doing this show, in the format you have come to know, has been a great experiment that has taught us so much, and as we have said before, actually doing this is often the best teacher. As we streamline the podcast, with shorter episodes, less fluff, and a bit more of a direct approach, we hope you will join us for the next leg of this journey, and continue to learn and evolve too!

In This Episode

  • A big announcement about the podcast going forward [0:02:03]
  • What to expect on future episodes [0:05:23]
  • The two fundamental lessons we teach in the academy [0:07:41]
  • Embracing evolution and change [0:11:06]
  • How the podcast has served the business in general [0:15:54]
  • Learning through doing; lessons from the last year [0:18:00]
  • Putting oneself out there and overcoming personal hurdles [0:22:40]

“Our mantra moving forward is ‘Do less, better”.” — Jonathan Goodman

Formatting Changes for the Podcast

The next time you tune into the Online Trainer Show, you can expect to only hear from Jonathan and Amber, and while this may seem a bit different, we think you should be excited about this change. There will still be two episodes a week, however, they will be shorter and more to the point than they have been in the past. We intend to keep some of the lighthearted energy but want to really focus on getting into the most valuable parts as quickly as possible for all our listeners. We had to decide which way we wanted to lean with the podcast, and the decision has been made to double down on the educational aspects of what we do.

How Would This Look If It Were Easy?

A mantra we will be repeating going forward is to do less, better. We have always believed in making strong leadership decisions and this is one of those. A simple format, with less, more direct information is the route we are pursuing. A lesson here that can be applied to any training business is the attitude to embrace changes and evolution, stripping away unnecessary complexity can be a huge step forward. Just because certain things are a certain way does not mean they have to stay that way!

The Original Idea for the Podcast

One of the main tenets of this show was as a way to promote the academy, and in truth, the show was not doing this as well as it could. We have had so much fun doing this podcast in its current format, with so many jokes, laughter, and learning, and now we want to drill down on growing the OTA and making money for the business in order to keep delivering great value to our clients. We have been so happy to experiment and lean into the human side of what we do, all these lessons will be of great help moving forward. Stay tuned!

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This episode is brought to you by the Online Trainer Academy Certification and Mentorship, the leading business development course for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners to responsibly and successfully start, build, and grow your online fitness or nutrition coaching business.

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