
5-Reps: Where Client Confidence Comes From, Onboarding, and Your Job

Happy 5-Reps Friday!

2 Coaching Concepts


Think of your start with a new client as both the first date and the honeymoon. They’ll be excited, nervous, and anxious.

With that in mind, they need to be clear on two things:

  1. What do I do now?
  2. Who do I contact and how do I contact them if I need anything?


Client Confidence Comes from Rigidity in Your Process

You’re the expert. Experts have a process. The more rigid your process, the more your clients will trust you.

2 Business Nuggets


Here’s your businesses’ list of priorities (in order)

  1. Make your service good enough to sell; not perfect.
  2. Sell it to somebody.
  3. Once it sells, take in feedback and make it better.
  4. Sell it to more people.
  5. At some point (maybe) do all the other business stuff. Or, don’t.


You don’t get paid for your knowledge.

You don’t get paid for your work.

You don’t even get paid for getting results.

You get paid for getting credit for the results of the work.

1 Quote to Consider

“Most coaches claim they want to change the world with their program, but really what they want is some combination of approval from their peers and instant gratification.

Your job is to help your clients solve their problems. Don’t compare what you know to what you think your peers know. Doing this overestimates the importance of the deliverables of your coaching and underestimates the importance of the coaching itself.”

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Yesterday I ate 7 tacos. Wish you were with me. Thanks for reading,


P.S. Pamper yo’self

P.P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are a few ways I can help you.

1. Listen to the Obvious Choice Podcast (free)

2. For career development, buy my book, Ignite the Fire. (1,000+ 5-star reviews.)

3. For world class support, apply for my premium business mentorship.

Jonathan Goodman

Improving fitness trainers.

My IG: @itscoachgoodman

Free Software: QuickCoach

My Book: Ignite the Fire (1,000+ 5-star reviews)

My Course: Online Trainer Academy

My Mentorship: Online Trainer Mentorship

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