
5-Reps: The art of getting lost, social media stuff, and good ideas from old books

First, here’s what’s new this week.


Obvious Choice Podcast Episodes:

300: The Art of Getting Lost
301: The Hidden Truth About Social Media Growth (Hot Seat)*
*If you only listen to one, make it this one.



Regrets are inevitable. You’ll only ever get to find out what’s behind door number one. Make your regrets of commission, not omission. It’s much better to do something and have it not work out than not do something and have nothing happen.


Becoming elite is a remarkably dull process. If you go to the gym and do the most intense workout, you’ll look in the mirror and see… nothing. If you go back the next day, you’ll see… nothing. But do it for long enough, and one day you’ll wake up transformed.


If your business gives you the freedom to have breakfast and dinner with your family, have lunch with your spouse, and workout regularly, you’re already a successful entrepreneur.

More like this from my viral thread on Twitter




A ‘zero’ day is when you don’t move at all. In five years, you won’t care whether you crushed your workout today or not. You’ll care that you showed up. Focus on being consistent. Fitness is a life-long journey, not a 30-day sprint.




Live near your parents and see them often—you have less time with them than you think.  A few weeks back, I biked from the gym to the coffee shop, ran into Mom, walked together for 30 min, hugged, said “I love you,” and parted ways.  Living close to them is the best decision I’ve made.

A Few Good Quotes from a Great Book

“Novel ideas come from novel experiences. Writing must pour forth from your life, not just your mind.”

“The best of fiction is literally false but symbolically true. It uses made-up people and non-existent events to explore and understand eternal questions that haunt the hearts of men. Great fiction uses lies to get to the truth, and it’s this truth that people are after.”

From Hit Reverse: New Ideas from Old Books (by Jash Dholani)

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This book launch stuff is hard. It’s all-in in every way imaginable. Grateful I have tacos to power me through!

P.S. English is hard



No promo today. Hope you’re awesome.

Jonathan Goodman
Coach. Author. World explorer. But mostly, Dad.
Thanks for reading. Here’s a few additional ways that I may be able to help you.

Instagram: @itscoachgoodman
Podcast: The Obvious Choice
Software: QuickCoach

Book: Ignite the Fire
Course: Online Trainer Academy
Mentorship: Online Trainer Mentorship

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