Thank you to everyone who bought a copy of The Obvious Choice and reviewed it in the last week and a half since launch. Books live (or die) based on reviews and whether they get passed on. Initial reviews are outrageously positive, with 80+ 5-stars and nothing below. If you haven’t yet bought a copy, please consider grabbing it. Buy here
Moving on, here’s what’s new this week.
Obvious Choice Podcast Episodes:
311: Everything You Don’t Know About Book Marketing (Part 2)*
312: Building a Fitness Business That Grows With Your Audience (Hot Seat)
Selected Guest Appearances:
Essential Business Lessons (Run a Profitable Gym Pod)
Become famous to your family (Intentional Wisdom Newsletter)
The Five Skills That Accelerate Any Career (Official Entrepreneur podcast)
(All quotes in today’s email come from The Obvious Choice)
Personal and professional success isn’t the result of brilliance; it’s the reward you get for being consistently not stupid longer than the other guy.
It’s not authenticity you need. It’s trusting that your authentic self is enough.
What’s universally true is that nobody you don’t know will be impressed if you ignore social media and focus on real-life humans for a while. In our backward world, what’s bad for our ego is often great for our wallet.
It’s true that some people have more and others have less. Just remember that the more or the less isn’t what gives our experience on this rock its flavor. Life’s a road, not a destination. Get in the car and go for a drive. What kind of car? It doesn’t matter; they all drive the speed limit. Explore. Have fun. Just make sure there’s always something nice to look at out the window.
There’s a wonky misconception that you have to first get famous online in order to be a success. It’s the opposite. The most straightforward path to becoming influential online, if that’s the goal, is to first do something meaningful. Social media success is most often a lagging, not leading, indicator of real-world impact.
If the goal is to get famous on the internet, then following advice on how to win at social media, master the algorithm, and get as many likes as possible is a good idea. On the other hand, if the goal is to grow a business, much of that (good) information can be ignored.
Think about your social media platform as a savings account. Make deposits when there’s excess time and money. Think of it as an investment in the future, not a way to benefit short-term. It’s okay for you to hope that it grows long-term and kicks off interest in the interim so long as you don’t rely on that happening for your immediate success.
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Those that know, Casio,
P.S. Gym hack
Will I see you at the Two Brain Business Summit?
The summit is happening on June 7/8 in Chicago
You can get tickets here:
Early bird pricing expires January 31st.
I’m excited to be speaking again. And, this year, I’m joined by a great friend named Joey Coleman.
Joey’s one of the most dynamic speakers that I know. He’s the author of Never Lose a Customer Again and his work is paramount if you want to keep clients, longer.
The even sold out last year with around 1,000 attendees and it’s looking like it will do the same this year.
It’s for both fitness business owners and coaches.
Hope ya grab a ticket and I hope to see you there.
You can get tickets here:
Coach. Author. World explorer. But mostly, Dad.
Instagram: @itscoachgoodman
Podcast: The Obvious Choice
Software: QuickCoach
Book: Ignite the Fire
Course: Online Trainer Academy
Mentorship: Online Trainer Mentorship
The post 5-Reps: Bad for the ego, good for the wallet, and being less stupid than the other guy appeared first on The PTDC.